Students Screen T-shirts

IMG_2683IMG_2693 IMG_2703 IMG_2717High school studentsĀ in printmaking class are screening all the t-shirts needed for the MSAB “Lettin’ Off STEAM with Frank Theatre” . The process is meticulous and time consuming but students are excelling with the work!

Silk screens were prepared with a photo emulsion solution and a “positive” on clear plastic of the black and white image (to be printed) is “burned” on to the emulsion. The “positive” image is washed out of the screen leaving a beautiful sharp stencil. Textile ink is pushed through the screen with a squeegee. Students “flood” the screen and then “pull” the squeegee across as evenly as possible.

Students work in teams – printing, preparing, stacking in the rack to dry, replenishing ink, cleaning up ink, etc.

Everyone involved in the Frank Theatre Artist Residency , as well as the Printmaking students will receive a free t-shirt!

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