Animation with After Effects

On Tuesday, exactly 28 years after the Oct. 17, 1989, release of Selena Quintanilla’s first studio album — the eponymous “Selena” — Google paid tribute to the late Tejano star with a musical Doodle showcasing her inspiring rise to fame.

As Billboard notes, it’s the first time that Google has created a Doodle in Quintanilla’s honor.

maxresdefaultAssignment #1/Photogrpahy – Bouncing Ball

Written Tutorial

Create a simple annimation in After Effects of a bouncing ball. Be sure to include the changing of the ball shape as it hits the ground.
You will need to change your .avi file to .mov (to upload to WordPress)


Assignment #2/Photography – Animated Video      Create an animation within a 6-8 second original video.

1, Research and development of the animated video using video provided. “Working” animated videos need to be in the folder holding the videos provided.

2. Final original animated video needs to be in a folder called – “AE Original Video Animation” on your flash drive. The folder needs to also hold and original .jpg, .wav and original .mov files. Final animated video needs to include:

  • one (or more) animated shapes – establishing anchor point and position key frames
  • with at least one additional moving part and
  • sound (use on line free sound .wav files)
  • overall length about 6-8 seconds long
  • adjustments to scale and possible rotation key frames

FYI – Animated image should begin as a photograph (find online OK) and turn it into a graphic in PhotoShop. Add sound effects. See Walk cycle PhotoShop from J. Thunder.

Free Sound Effects 


walkcycle_sideAssignment #3/Graphic Design –  Walk Cycle from the Side Photoshop files
Create a Side Walk cycle using the files provided. Change your files in PhotoShop to personalize the figure. Once the walk cycle is completed add animated background (begin in PhotoShop).
Walk Cycle Animation
You Tube tutorial



SR RocksAssignment #4/Graphic Design Motion Graphics

Coolest School Ever!!!
South Ridge Rocks!!!