Codecademy 1 – HTML and CSS

codecademy-logo-e1413249893959As a 21st century learner we need to be able to read and write on the internet. Throughout the school year students will spend a portion of the design course learning code via codecademy. Grading rubric is based on completed daily work. One hour work = about 20 point/day. Languages we will be learning include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The course Final (web page from scratch) will include skills learned through these codecademy courses.

To begin, no previous knowledge required. Log into courses from out side of class to work on projects as able. We are in this together! Internet permission slips must be turned in before beginning this assignment.

Begin by going to and create an account with your school email account at

enter your school gmail login
(last two numbers of the year you graduate) (first four letters of your first name) (first four letter of your last name)

Password   school gmail password

Assignment 1: Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “HTML & CSS” This should take you no more than 3+ hours to complete.

At the end of each studio day that you are working on codecademy bring up your “Profile” to show your instructor your day’s advancement: “Badges” and “Points”. You should advance at least 20 pts/class period.

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