Assignment #1: Find a picture on line that should have sound. Save it in your Photo Library.
Basic working instructions for the animation program are below. You can also access the “?” found on the upper right of the menu.
- Open up “AC Animation HD” on your iPad.
- Select “+”
- Select 1024 x 768/30fps
- Select your new animation and rename it “your first name_#1”
- Select “Edit Animation”
- Select the arrow in the bottom right corner and your control menu will come up (bottom and top).
- Select “Backdrop” from top menu. Select Photo>Photo Library>All Photos. Choose your photo.
- Select the brush (tool), stroke (adjust options for your stroke), and color.
- On your first cell draw the first line of animation – sound, birds flying, whistle blowing, plants growing – something simple.
- Select the “forward” arrow to add another cell. Add an additional sound line.
- Select the “+” Add from the bottom right to add additional cells. Build an animation with “12 images”.
- When done choose “play”. Adjust the “fps” to slow your animation down.
- Save you first video animation to your Photo Library.
- Email this video to your Instructor as an attachment in an email – Subject line should have “your name” and “”your name”Anim#1”.
- Choose to animate an animal or vehicle (transportation).
- Watch a video showing a simple action of your chosen subject to be your reference when creating the animation (ex: koi fish swimming).
- Find a photo online of a setting (background) to use (pond with no fish).
- Follow steps from Assignment #1-Anim#1 for reference in using the program. Use the Copy/paste tool but always adjust your drawing to “appear alive”.Each drawing should have a new drawing.
- Create a simple animation in “24 images” (ex: referencing the real fish swimming) moving through your background. Begin by “placing” images initially in 24 where you intend them to go. Go back into each frame to refine, clean up, add details, etc.
- Add sound. You will need to select the “Audio” bottom on top and record the needed sound and add to your animation
- 2+ colors throughout.
- When done choose “play”. Adjust the “fps” to slow your animation down.
- Save you first video animation to your Photo Library.
- Email this video to your Instructor as an attachment in an email – Subject line should have “your name” and “”your name”Anim#2”.