Animation with Adobe After Effects

Assignment #1 – Bouncing Ball  Create a 4″ long bouncing ball animation that starts in the upper left area, drops and bounces (and distorts like a real ball would when hitting a surface) off the “ground” or “side wall” at least twice. Use anchor point, keyframe, and adjust scale.

Saving for the website – All animation assignments need to be prepared to save in a specific way. Follow these instructions for all anmations you are saving (turning in for credit) and sharing on the website.

  1. With your animation completed and open in AfterEffects, go to “rendered” and er as .mov, save to Vimeo and embed Vimeo file on to your web page.
    BouncingBall Ae File>Dependencies>Collect files. (This will collect all the parts to your animation and put them in a folder.) Save to your Bouncing Ball folder.
  2. Go to File>Export>Add to Rendered Que
  3. Left click on the blue word “Lossless” and an additional screen will pop up. Change the format to QuickTime.
  4. Back on the Que screen left click on the Title of you animation to be sure it is saved in the Bouncing Ball folder.
  5. Select the blue button “Render” on the far right of your screen. A blue bar “timeline” will move across the screen showing you that a process is underway that is saving your animation. 
  6. Look in your folder to see this is true. You should see a Quick Time video file.
  7. Vimeo  Adding it to your WordPress site requires you creating a Vimeo account. Open up Vimeo and open an account using your school email (and password). Once the animation is uploaded select “Share”. Copy the code to embed into your WordPress site.
  8. WordPress Open up a new Post on your web page. Title it accordingly (After Effects Bouncing Ball Animation or After Effects, Side Walker Animation, etc.) In the body of your post select the “+” option to the right. Scroll down and select “Embed” and “Vimeo”. Select “Embed”. If the file can’t embed it is OK to choose have the file hyperlinked. Post your code there. Update the post and check to see it worked.


Assignment #2 –  Walk Cycle from the Side (uploaded to My Documents>Digital Art>AfterEffects folder by Instructor)

Create a walking person (side view) from files supplied. Use pin points for bending knees and elbows, adjusting waist, neck, and hips. Add background landscape.



Assignment #3  Create 4-6 second animation advertising an event you know something about. Include moving logo (or shape or image), moving text and sound. Go to and download free .wav file(s).


SouthRidgeROCKS! from SouthRidgeART on Vimeo.

Coolest School Ever!! Animation Jonathan Thuner/South Ridge School from SouthRidgeART on Vimeo.


Assignment #4   Create 6-8 second animation that uses your original video (collect video on phone>save to Drive>download at school to desktop computer) with an animated character or action.

Examples:a fly flies around a person’s head/video of a person rolling their flies as if following the bee or

an animated bug walks over a cat/video of a cat moving it’s eyes as if it is following the bug walking over it’s head.

RenderedComposition_Hallway1 from SouthRidgeART on Vimeo.