BW and Color Replacement


Black and White

Posterization Color

Selective Color

Transparent Color

Participate in a portrait photo shoot by Ms. Olson. Images will be found on your flash drive in the next studio. Open 4 photograph that you like in PhotoShop. Re-size each image to be: 8 x 10, 300 dpi. Adjust hue/saturation, brightness/contrast. Crop if needed. Rename each original color photograph: “Opaque Color”, “Transparent Color”, “Selective Color”, “BW”

In PhotoShop go to Image>Adjustment>
Black and White – BW

Posterization – Opaque Color

Transparent Color – Duplicate the background layer twice. Hide the original background layer. On the 2nd layer – make it black and white. On the 3rd layer change the opacity to under 40% for a hint of color.

Selective Color – Duplicate the background layer twice. Hide the original background layer. On the 2nd layer – make it black and white. On the 3rd layer use the Lasso tool to select the part you want to stay in color. Once completly selected, right click>Layer via Copy. You will see an additional layer is created. Hide the third layer.

Save each image as a .jpg in the Class Photo Shoot folder.



Each image needs to be saved three time:

1.Original image/renamed and resized to 8 x 10  300 dpi (rose.jpg)

2.Resized to 4 x 5.33 100 dpi  Renamed (rose_4x5 _100dpi.jpg)

3.Saved for the web rose_4x5web.jpg)

Upload  image saved for the web to your web page.

Artist Statement: Due the day this assignment is completed/turned in – send an email to with a brief written statement that includes the following.  Please use complete sentence structure, correct grammar and spelling, capitalization and punctuation.*

  • What decisions did you make in creating these photographs?
  • What do you intend the viewer to see? feel? hear?


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