Color Study Hue, Tint, Tone and Shade/Compliments @Josef Albers

Create two Color Study Wheels – one in colored pencils in gouache acrylic paint.


Each study should demonstrate:

Hue, Tint


Tone (Hue+Gray) and

Shade (Hue+Black)

Color Study @ Josef Albers

Based on the color study work by Josef Albers create a color study painting that demonstrates what happens to color as it is mixed with other hues and/or neutrals. Value graduations and transitions with intensity should be even and controlled. Choose one of these color problems* shown above to paint with acrylic on paper supplied. Your grade on the completed painting will reflect brush control, clarity and precision of the color study, choice and accuracy of color/hue intensity and value gradation.

Complete work in your sketchbook. Center image with 1″ border width

Draw out lightly using a ruler and 2HB pencil. Paint with acrylic gouache paint. All hues must be obvious newly mixed hues.

*The design (look) of the study cannot change but the colors you choose may change if we talk through the color problem you are solving before you start painting.


Color Wheels due TBA

Josef Albers Studies due TBA