Codecademy – Painting

242068_sAs a 21st century learner we need to be able to read and write on the internet. Throughout the school year students will spend a portion of the design course learning code via codeacademy. Grading rubric is based on daily work/badges/time on task. Programs we will be learning include JavaScript HTML/CSSPHP PythonRuby, and APIs.

This is a beginners course. No previous knowledge required. Students may log into their course out side of class to work on projects. We are in this together! Internet permission slips must be turned in before beginning this assignment.

Begin by going to and create an account with your school email account.

enter your school email
(last two numbers of the year you graduate) (first four letters of your first name) (first four letter of your last name)

 downloadOnce logged into Codecademy select Job Skills and scroll down to Goals – complete “Animate your name” “About You” and “Sun Earth and Code”. Each should take about 30 minutes. Once done with these scroll up to Language Skills -complete “HTML & CSS”. Completion of these lessons should take about 7 hours.

You have until Dec 12th to complete. If you complete all of the above continue learning “JavaScript” and “jQuery” language skills.

When completed with all lessons (by selecting) all badges and print a pdf. Attach the pdf in an email to with a reflection on your last two weeks of coding. What did you find most interesting? Which lessons were most challenging and why? Could you see yourself learning and doing more about coding? Any other observations that demonstrate what you have accomplished theses last two weeks?

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