This course introduces you to art intended to communicate information and advertising. The focus is on studying and using layout and design concepts used in the graphic design field. You will be using up-to-date computer tools such as Adobe PhotoShop, InDesign, and Flash; scanning images and using digital cameras; and iMovie on iPads.
Graphic design is the creative planning and execution of visual communication. Graphic designers create a combination of shapes and forms, words and images, in order to reproduce them in some flat medium (paper, cardboard, cloth, plastic, video, computer, or projection screen, on poster, billboard, or other signage) or in a three-dimensional form (fabricated or manufactured) in order to convey information to a targeted audience. All graphic design has a purpose or function. Usually its purpose is to sell or explain something — to express, inform, and influence the thoughts and actions of its audience.
Class projects will be turned in via your page on the art dept web site – and should also be available on your flash drive/memory stick on the date they are due. No work will be accepted two weeks after due date.
A digital notebook of assignments should be kept in Google Docs. You will also be assigned a sketchbook You have been assigned a school gmail account. Please use it. Check this account daily as I as well as other teachers may be sending needed information to you. If you have an iPad or iPhone you keep notes on these devises (keep download cord available to you in school). Other digital suggestions include keeping a document on the google Drive. You are encouraged to keep daily quick writing assignments and notes from lectures, rough drafts of ideas for assignments and art reviews of articles and or shows.
Critique of web page – Periodic review of your web page will provide helpful information as you can redo assignments and update your page making it better/receive better points. All projects need to be on your web site in an aesthetically pleasing and chronological order. Understand the html code of the table!
Our primary objective will be the achievement of Minnesota’s Academic Standards, with greatest emphasis on those in the Visual Arts:
1 Creating Art: Students know and apply the arts, disciplines, techniques and processes to communicate in original or interpretive work.
2 Art in Context: Students demonstrate how elements of time and place influence the visual characteristics, content, purpose and message of works of art.
3 Art as Inquiry: Students demonstrate how the arts reveal universal concepts and themes. Students reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.
Students need to maintain good studio organization and use of tools as expected by the teacher. Students will maintain facilities in an appropriate working condition and abide by studio use guidelines and permissions.
I don’t put much store in the notion of talent. I’m convinced that every student simply needs opportunity. As an educator and professional graphic designer I can design lessons in such a way that all or nearly all students can succeed at challenges which are satisfying and meaningful. I assess each student’s work on the degree to which each achieves the objectives of the assignments.
Make-Up Work
Students may make up assignments only if they have excused absences. See your Instructor for specific instructions the day you return to class! Since the programs are specific to this course the lab will be available most Tuesdays afterschool.
Please contact me if you have any special interests in or concerns about the art program. or 218-345-6789 x 3400
#7530 2D Visual art: Media Art
Grade level 11-12 (One semester)
Students will create and publicly present original work guided by their artistic statement, developed through critique and audience feedback. Work will integrate knowledge of technology and software to create expressive original work.
Standards: Artistic Foundations 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Artistic Process: Create or Make 2.1