Final Painting Assignment: Use what you have learned about color, brushwork, and composition to create a final portrait based images of on an artist (see list provided) that is actively working and advocating for peace and understanding in our world. Your subject is limited to the listed provided but you may search other images of your “artist” to use.
We will use acrylic paint on (bristol board) paper.
Your portrait requires a simple background that supports your portrait computationally and the artist’s life/“subject matter”. For example, Jane Goodal might have trees or jungle behind her; Jimi Hendrix might have stage elements behind him . The painting is to have the head and shoulders (to waist is OK) with the possibility of arms/hands – gesturing, folded, etc.
Your grade will reflect if you finished the painting, how color was used to create new (mixed and not out of the tube) hues, tints and shades; were you able to control your brush and color were layers of paint used throughout (shades and tints); does the portrait reflect (look like) the artist and is the composition successful – is it interesting to look at?
Artist Statement: You also need to write a paragraph about your intentions in creating this painting. How were you able to show the nature of the artist through your color choices, composition, and choice of background? How does this artist advocate for peace and justice?
Email it to colson@isd2142.k12.mn.us
Due January 22nd