Assignment #1 Use your personal logo on a business card, letterhead and #10 business envelope
Create a grid, overall design to visually connect the three items.
Use no more than two type fonts. Logo and type font should be compatible – visually descriptive.
Project limitations:
Letterhead 8.5″ x 11″ – Logo, Name, Profession, Address, Phone Number, email address
#10 Envelope 9.5 x 4.25 – placed in upper left corner, logo, Name, Profession, Address
Business Card 2.5″ x 4.5″ or 2.5″ x 2.5 ” – Logo, Name, Profession, Address, Phone number, email address
Place all three items on a “new page” in PhotoShop (suggested 20″ x 20″, 300 dpi). File>Export as>Resize and save as a .jpg at 10″ x 10″, 100%. Upload on to you Media Art Graphic Design page as a post