Web Page

Web Site

You will be assigned a WordPress Web Site. In Chrome go to: student02.carolynolson.info

1. Log into the dashboard by adding  wp-admin

Username   student

Password   Stud3nt!

2. Always update  as needed

3.  Follow instructions to customize your web site: Rename, add one of your photographs (change as needed). Delete widgets leaving only “Recent Posts”, “Pages”, “Archive”

4. Create a  new “Post” (for each assignment). Each post needs a table to hold your images. Create tables in Dreamweaver. At the top of each “post” place a table – Photo Essays require a “2 rows/2 col” table (make in Dreamweaver). Other assignments may require a different table – make them all in Dreamweaver. Load images into the cell of the table – centered/balanced on page. Add captions.

Images need to large and as high resolution as possible.

5 Hyperlinked Artist Statement     In Word write a paragraph about your photo essay and the images you chose. What did you intend the viewer to see? What do you intend the images to tell about you – other than the obvious? Why did you choose to place the images in the order you did? What was important to show?

Hyperlink the title of your Photo Essay to your Artist Statement (Word.doc) to your web page.