Your sketchbook is one of your most important tools. It is a place to record your ideas, assignments, sketches and drawings. You will use it everyday in Introduction to Design. You are welcome to take it home but are required to maintain it and have it in class every day.
Day One/Botanical study – Choose one of the plants provided by your Instructor to research. Find a picture of the botanical on your iPad. In your sketchbook write down the Common, Scientific and Ojibwe name at the top of a blank page. Draw a realistic drawing of the plant (fill the page).
Based on your realistic drawing determine a “design” version of your botanical knowing that you will be creating an image based off the stem of the plant.Be sure to include the following information in your design:
1. Identify the leaf shape. Do the leaves change size the closer to the end of the stem/branch?
2. Where are the “veins”? Do they come out from one spot or do the spread out from the main center vein?
3. Do the leaves come off the main stem asymmetrically or symmetrically?
4. What is at the tip? (flower? leaf? fruit?)
Day Two/Creating a symmetrical Glyph Design – Adding beauty to every day objects glyphs are used on birch bark scraped designs for containers and in ribbon work designs for clothing. Using the concept we are going to create a glyph for our sketchbook cover. It will assist you in identifying your book as well as look cool.
Option One: Paint Marker Symmetrical Glyph
1.Based on the plants choose one sketch to base your sketchbook cover design.
2. Using a silver Sharpie and ruler divide the cover in half with a 1/2″ border.
3. Fold a sheet of tracing paper in half and trace half of the drawing of your choice. Fill the page by distorting (stretching to) the full height and width of the book.
4. Place of tracing paper on to one side of the book cover and draw the other side with a silver Shaprie.
5. Complete the other side creating a symmetrical design version of your sketch.
6. Choose three – five colors and fill in the design carefully. Clean up edges.
Critique – After completing the project on the same page(s) that you drew your plant and worked out the design for your glyph answer the following questions:
1. How does this design reflect who I am?
2. What would I have liked to do differently with my design?
Option Two: Fabric Symmetrical Glyph
1.Based on the plant you choose sketch out the idea(s) you have for your sketchbook cover. Make notes about fabrics chosen, plant details (whether you can use them or not).
2. You will need to decide which fabric will go where. Using calico fabric prepared with an iron-on backing, choose three colors that show contrast.
3. Decide which fabric color you will use for your plant. Take the other two and fold them in half (long way) and cut in half. Iron them on to your sketchbook – front and back in a symmetrical pattern. Be careful of the hot irons! Always keep irons up – sitting on their base.
3. Take your third color and fold in half. Draw out (half) of the plant- top to bottom- and cut out. You can add details such as veins, petals, smaller leaves around flower/fruit if you want but keep the overall shape simple.
4.Cut the entire sheet in half down the center stem. Iron down the design – front and back completing the symmetrical design.
Critique – After completing the project on the same page(s) that you drew your plant and worked out the design for your glyph answer the following questions:
1. How does this design reflect who I am?
2. What would I have liked to do differently with my design?
Your sketchbook cover is due at the end of class.