Using the “Jones” label you created for your original and unique drink, create a billboard advertisement.You will mainly be using the logo and slogan of your drink in your billboard advertisement. Think about how much time you actually get to see and read a billboard while driving (5-10 seconds). There should not be a lot of text. It is all about the product and the picture.
You will need to use the different transform tools to make your AD fit the billboard and give the illusion of a skewed perspective. You may use either Photoshop or Illustrator, but since you will be working with a picture (pixels) it would make more sense to use Photoshop.
- Find a picture of a billboard with the highest number of pixels possible
- Search-billboard hi res
- Image should be 1500 x 800ish (Remember the larger the number the better success you will have)
- Have your DRINK LOGO & the bottle on the billboard
- Create a new slogan or use the same one from the drink label
- Use the Adjustment Layers (Photoshop) to blend your artwork with the billboard image.
- Pay attention to detail! Look for shadows or things on the billboard that should not be covered by your artwork.
- Keep it simple and READABLE
- You may use Photoshop or Illustrator
- Document size:
Make it the size of the billboard picture (Photoshop-from desktop pick up the image and place it onto PS icon)
Obtain a picture with as many pixels as possible (0ver 1500 x 800ish)
1.Find a picture of a billboard with a high resolution
2.Copy and paste the selected objects from your drink label into Photoshop as smart objects.
3.Use the Photoshop Transform tools to have your artwork fit inside the billboard.
4.The DISTORT option will be the one to use
5. Use the Adjustment Layers to blend your artwork with the billboard image.
6. Pay attention to detail! Look for shadows or things on the billboard that should not be covered by your artwork. Use the following tools to add detail.
Clone Stamp
Layer Masking
Dodge and Burn
Drop Shadows
Adjustment Layers
Below is a step by step process on how to place your drink label on a 3D bottle in Illustrator before you place it on a billboard.
Steps to putting your Drink Label on a 3-D bottle
Step 1:
Go to drop box and pull over this image onto your desktop.
Step 2:
Place the image in Illustrator and re-size the picture if you need to (remember to hold down shift key).
Step 3:
Using the Pen Tool, trace only half of the bottle. Starting at the bottom center and ending at the top center of the bottle, remember to zoom in and not use too many anchor points. Make sure that the fill color is set to clear and the stroke to the color that you want your bottle to be.
Step 4:
Copy and paste your drink label from your other Illustrator file or go to File->Place and import your drink label into the document if you created it in Photoshop.
Step 5:
Select all of the objects that make up your drink label with the selection tool (black arrow) and drag it into your SYMBOLS panel. When the Symbols Option window pops up label your symbol and hit OK.
Step 6:
Turn off the layer that has the picture of the bottle and select the half outlined bottle with the selection tool (black arrow) so that it has a selection box around it.
Step 7:
While the outline is selected Go to Effect->3D->Revolve
Step 8:
Move the 3-D Revolve Options window to the side so that you may see your bottle. Click the Preview box and change the left edge -> right edge (if you traced the right side of the bottle you do not need to do this part).
Step 9:
Click on Map Art. Go to Surface and scroll until you find the surface that you want your label to appear on (look at your bottle while scrolling to see the wire-frame light up).
Step 10:
Make sure that the Shade Artwork and Preview boxes are checked off.Once you have found the surface, go to Symbol and select your drink label symbol from the drop down menu. Drag the label to the biggest light gray area in order for it to appear on the bottle.
Step 11:
Re-size (hold shift) the label so that you can see the logo on the bottle and then click OK.
Requirements :
- Find a picture of a billboard with the highest number of pixels possible
- Have your DRINK LOGO & bottle on the billboard
- Create a new slogan or use the same one from the drink label
- Use the Adjustment Layers to blend your artwork with the billboard image.
- Pay attention to detail! Look for shadows or things on the billboard that should not be covered by your artwork.
- Keep it simple and READABLE
- You may use Photoshop or Illustrator
- Document size:
Make it the size of the billboard picture
Try and obtain a picture with as many pixels as possible